Each time you switch to your windows operating system, you find the changes and configuration settings that you had made earlier, initiated automatically on loading up to the system. But it is difficult for a computer to remember every change that is made all through a certain period of time. The computer needs some specific storage place, wherein it can store all the information regarding the changes made in the computer configuration settings. This particular storage or database is known as windows registry. The windows registry stores all the software and hardware configuration settings and options on windows operating systems. This helps us in configuring our system and its programs as per our requirement, each time we load it.
With the above description, you must have understood the essence and importance of registry in windows operating system. If somehow, there is any error caused in the registry, it can lead to severe damages and PC problems. Therefore, any issues with the registry should be fixed immediately. But it is not easy to diagnose the windows registry or even point the exact cause of error, until you are a computer expert. Here comes the need of a reliable IT tech support that can help you in finding out and resolving the issues with your windows registry, and provide computer maintenance.
The iGennie IT support for computers provides solutions for overcoming these registry errors and helps in fixing and repairing computers. At iGennie PC help, you get the online support and tech help for all your computer related issues, including the registry errors. Some of the common registry errors that exist in your system and their solutions are mentioned below:
Speed Loss
The most common and primary issues with computers is the speed loss. There can be various reasons for this problem, but most prominent is the registry error. The registry accesses all the data stored in memory, whether it is useful or corrupted. This extra processing causes an unnecessary consumption of processor speed and resource and can even lead to freezing of system. This loss can be prevented by using a registry cleaner, which removes all the unused, corrupted data prior to the processing. The iGennie tech support helps you in selecting the best registry cleaner and also assists in running the cleaner software on your system.
Hardware Failure
Sometimes it may happen that you give some command to the windows and the windows takes some time for processing it and later on refuses to respond. This can occur due to some hardware failure in your registry. iGennie support for computers provides regular registry clean-ups for your systems to ensure that there is no hardware failure within the registry.
Run time errors and BSOD
Many a times you come across a run time error or a display error, commonly known as Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD). These errors occur due to the over accumulation of conflicting file resources in your registry, collected through various installed applications. This occurs mainly while uninstalling some application. Though the application is uninstalled, some parts or strains of the program remain in the registry and cause trouble on accumulation. The iGennie executives repair your computers and resolve the BSOD errors in your systems.
Virus Infections
Another common reason for registry failure is the virus infection. A computer virus opens the system registry to a hacker and he can thereby, easily access and make changes to the windows registry of your system. The iGennie support for computers helps you protect your system from hackers. The computer services offered at iGennie also include the antivirus download and installation, which help in preventing the registry from virus attacks.
Therefore, with iGennie, you can sit back and relax, without worrying about any kind of PC problem. The iGennie online tech support provides you the best computer support and maintenance for your systems. The computer support provided by iGennie includes all types of PC repair and other tech support services.
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